Date of Birth:
Year Group: Reception Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11
Male / Female: MaleFemale
Parent / Carer Name:
Contact Email: Email address is not in a recognised format.
Post Code:
Home Telephone:
Current School Name:
If none, please state name of last school the child attended and the date and reason for leaving:
Appeal Type: Secondary Main IntakeIn Year Transfer - Primary (not infant class size)In Year Transfer - Secondary
Name of School where you are appealing for a place:
Do you require an interpreter: YesNo
If so which language:
Please tell us as fully as possible the reasons for your appeal:
GUIDANCE NOTES: Please confirm that you have read the guidance notes below: Guidance Notes (11KB)
NOTE: If you are appealing for more than one school you must complete a separate form for each school. If you have a document in support of your appeal, you should submit it with your form. Only information that you have submitted can be considered by an Appeal Panel. The types of documents you may wish to submit could include doctor’s notes, letters from solicitors, letters or reports from a social worker or other professionals. If you are unable to attach any documents please post copies, including your child’s name and the school/s you are appealing for, to the School Organisation Team, People Directorate, Wigan Council, PO Box 100, WN1 3DS, or email
NOTE: If form validation fails and you attached a file, please remember to attach the file again.
If you have any problems uploading supporting documents please ring the School Organisation Team on 01942 489013.
Please attach any supporting evidence (5MB limit):
The information provided on this form will be processed in accordance with the Local Authority’s School Admissions and Appeals Service Privacy Notice. Information will be treated as confidential and will be used only for the purpose of arranging and hearing your child’s appeal against the refusal of a school place in accordance with the School Admissions Code 2014 and School Admissions Appeal Code 2012.
The Privacy Notice is in line with our duties as set out in the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR. The legislation gives rights to those individuals whose data is held.
These include:
A copy of the full Privacy Notice is available by following this link – School Admissions and Appeals Service Privacy Notice.
By submitting your application you are declaring that you have read and understood the terms of the notice.
© Wigan Council