Date of Birth:
Gender: MaleFemale
Home Address:
Parent/carer's Name:
Parent/carer's Contact Number:
Parent/carer's Email Address:
Name of person responsible for council tax at this address:
Name of person who receives Child Benefit:
Does your child have a statement of special educational needs or education health and care plan? YesNo
Is your child looked after? YesNo
If yes, which local authority?
Name of Social Worker
Was your child previously looked after? YesNo
If yes, you need to provide one of the following to the School Organisation Team Adoption OrderResidence OrderSpecial Guardianship Order
Child's current school:
Is your relocation due to a new posting? YesNo
Date of new posting:
Reason for preference:
The information provided on this form will be processed in accordance with the Local Authority’s School Admissions and Appeals Service Privacy Notice. Information will be treated as confidential and will be used only for the purpose of processing your child’s application for a school place in accordance with the School Admissions Code 2014.
The Privacy Notice is in line with our duties as set out in the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR. The legislation gives rights to those individuals whose data is held.
These include:
A copy of the full Privacy Notice is available by following this link – School Admissions and Appeals Service Privacy Notice.
By submitting your application you are declaring that you have read and understood the terms of the notice.
I confirm that the following is true: I currently live at the address stated; I have parental responsibility for the child and/or the child lives with me; I have read the information booklet 'Applying for a place at secondary school'; all information provided above is correct.
My relationship to the child is:
Name of applicant:
Gender: Please Select --> Male Female
© Wigan Council